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Did you know… Sabias Que...

So, it all started with goats! Who knew lol

A while ago, I read a beautiful story about how coffee was first discovered in a land far, far away.

A goat herder noticed that his goats seemed more excited and energetic when they ate a red berry. Who does not enjoy a good story from our parents and grandparents? Coffee has many legends and a road to many more journeys. Coffee has many mysteries and continues to make history. Those of us who drink coffee have learned to love it or drink it out of habit. Whether you are holding it in a paper cup (no judgment) or drinking it from a ceramic cup at home, the feeling is undeniably good, from the first sip to the last.

I personally enjoy drinking my first cup very selfishly alone. Walking the streets of NYC early in the morning when few people are moving about, and the roads are not congested. Or in my favorite chair at home before starting my workday. I also remember walking on the beach in Dorado and Rio Mar, Puerto Rico, with my cup of Spanish coffee and a guava pastry. OMG, in Paris, sitting at a café on a rainy day having a café au lait with a baguette.

We all have our sweet memories of coffee. And there are other stories not so sweet that are hard to share. When coffee was a "pick me up" to stay up all night for a college exam or a work project. Tending to a family member or loved one at a hospital overnight. I have experienced all of those and have found myself having coffee from terrible coffee machines when those existed. Or from hospital cafeterias that filled their coffee carafes only twice a day (yuck!). Still, coffee has been a solace and a refuge keeping me company even in those challenging moments. Coffee is a lover and a friend!

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